Microsoft – Flip
Leads customer feedback requests by ensuring that the Flipgrid community over 100 million+ has ..

So Laine, tell us about yourself.
Coffee ☕️- Need I say more?
I’m a Product Manager, Vancouver-based, who loves getting into the nitty-gritty details of design and working with a world-class team to solve real problems. I am so passionate about getting to know my users that I make romance novels look dull.
Where all my blood, sweat, & tears go to
MY WORKKater Technologies
Kater Technologies Inc was a Vancouver-based Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) technology company ..
This is how my brain works (most of the time)
Stakeholder hands me over the requirements. Which is the start of user stories & documentation.
I search every crevice on Google & conduct market analysis - what are the competitors doing?
Audited the build - check! Notify the stakeholder(s), update release notes, and deploy. Followed by measuring its success.

Rapid prototyping, wire-framing, discussion period with the designers and developers. Repeat.
Well you made it to the bottom of the page ?
& now you want to click Hire MeOTHER AWESOMENESS
Moral booster-er at Microsoft, head of culture at Kater
I personally wanted to take this on as teammates are my number one priority for me. Why? Because “Hey Jude” by the Beatles didn’t become #1 in 1968 from only Ringo Starr’s mad drum skills.
Snacks Carnivore
My drawers are filled with snacks because food brings people together, not-so-much budget spreadsheets.
Bunny and dog lover
I have two rescued bunnies, Eeyore and Tulip. They can do tricks and can make all your worries go away. You can also catch a glimpse of my fur family in the background with my golden retrievers, Millie and Marty chasing each other.
Lighthouse Labs Scholarship Award
For most promising and creative portfolio – Here is the story